Directions for Use

Pellechar 10™ 3-2-3 is a mixture of OMRI Listed® composted chicken manure and biochar, pelletized for easy application. Pellechar 10™ 3-2-3 is an excellent source slowly releasing nutrition for a variety of ornamental plants and food crops. The inclusion of biochar in the product enhances nutrient and water retention.
Directions for Use
- Turf establishment – 100 pounds / 1,000 ft(2)
- Tree and Shrub planting beds – 80-100 pounds / 100 ft(2)
- Food crop production – as directed by regional crop specialist

Pellechar10™ 3-2-3 contains naturally composted chicken litter combined with high-grade biochar and it is OMRI certified for organic use.

Nutrient Analysis

Also Contains
Non-Plant Food Ingredients
Soil Amending Ingredient
10% …. Softwood Biochar
Inert Ingredients (as a soil amendment)
90% Composted Chicken Litter

Use Only As Directed
- Use dust mask as necessary when applying.
- Store product in dry location.
- Keep out of reach of Children and Pets.
- In NC, application of this product is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on the label.
- Do not apply to any site that is flooded, frozen or snow-covered.
- Do not allow surface runoff from carrying any disposed of or stored product residuals into any surface waters.
- Do not allow this product to enter any public or private water supply source (including wells) and any stream, lake, or river.
Information regarding contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at